Fine Solar Salt - Feed Grade
Fine Solar Salt at Perth Amboy, NJ is screened from dried solar evaporated salt produced from Atlantic Ocean water at Great Inagua Island in the Bahamas. Ocean water is impounded in shallow ponds where it is concentrated to saturation and ultimate crystallization through slow evaporation by solar heat and wind. Harvested salt is washed and shipped to Perth Amboy for drying and screening. Fractional crystallization and washing voids much of the inorganic salt impurities present in ocean water. Fine Solar particles are irregular and somewhat rectangular in shape. Appearance is white to crystalline with slight grey to off-white cast. Packaged salt is available plain, without additives or with a trace of Yellow Prussiate of Soda (YPS, sodium ferrocyanide) a food grade, water soluble anti-caking agent. Bulk salt is treated with YPS.
Fine Solar Salt is not considered to be of food grade cleanness due to traces of insoluble biological and environmental residues. However, it is acceptable for animal feeding purposes, exceeding the purity of fine rock feed salt.
Typical Range
*Sodium Chloride (%) 99.5 99.0 - 99.8
Calcium Sulfate (%) 0.34 0.06 - 0.5
Calcium Chloride (%) 0.03 0.01 - 0.10
Magnesium Chloride (%) 0.06 0.01 - 0.25
Magnesium Sulfate (%) 0.01 0.00 - 0.09
Water Insolubles (%) 0.1 0.04 - 0.3
Moisture (%) 0.0 < 0.2
Copper (ppm) - < 3
Iron (ppm) - 3 - 10
Heavy Metals as Lead (ppm) - 2 - 8
Sodium Ferrocyanide Additive (ppm) 5 3 - 13
*By difference of impurities, moisture-free basis (ASTM procedures), includes < 0.1% potassium chloride.
Loose (pour) bulk density of 1.0 - 1.12g ml (62-70 lbs / ft3)
Sieve Analysis (90% confidence)
Percent Retained**
Typical Range
Tr. Tr.
4 < 7
23 15 - 30
20 15 - 25
18 15 - 23
14 9 - 18
11 7 - 16
10 5 - 15
**On individual sieves.
U.S.S. Opening
Mesh Microns*
14 1410
16 1180
20 850
30 600
40 425
50 300
70 210
Pan -
*25,400 microns (micrometers, μm) per inch.